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Class Information

School and Classroom Philosophy: 
While some things have changed due to the pandemic, my thinking about educating children remains the same. If anything, I feel it even more strongly.

My hope is that we can all live and learn in a respectful community - showing respect for ourselves, others, and our environment. I believe it’s important for children to grow not just academically but also socially. I also believe that how they learn is as important as what they learn.  Children will have many opportunities in their work and play to develop their skills. I look forward to knowing both children and parents. 
I have high expectations for all children with regard to behavior and academics. These are communicated on a daily basis in written, verbal, and/or nonverbal forms. 

Children are encouraged to make positive choices about their behaviors. Praise is given to support those choices. We also use logical consequences to help children take responsibility for their actions.  We’ll discuss and practice how expected behavior varies in different places – home/school, classroom/playground, etc. by using the  “Looks Like-Sounds Like” strategy. We will also learn and practice many social thinking and self-regulation skills to help us all have a happy, healthy year together.

Simply . . . 
DOING YOUR BEST . . . meaning that we use a positive mindset when things are challenging.

Making Mistakes:
​​​​​​A positive way to look at mistakes is to know (1) - we all make them and (2) - that we can learn from them. We also remember more when we correct our own mistakes. Some of your child’s written mistakes will be self-corrected in school. For others, it's expected your child will correct them at home.

Practice and the "Power of Yet":
I often tell the children, “practice makes permanent”. Practice at home is helpful but try not to overdo it. Building a confident, good-natured child is most important. Many things are developmental and come in time. It’s OK to say, “I’m working on it, but I can’t do it ... yet.”

Monday - 12:45-1:25 - Music
Tuesday - 2:15-2:55 - Media
Wednesday - 12:45-1:25 - Art
Thursday - 2:15-2:55 - Phys. Ed. (Socks and sneakers required) 
Friday - 12:45-1:25 - Phys. Ed. (Socks and sneakers required)

Our lunch is scheduled for 11:30-11:50. Children will have a 15-minute recess following lunch from 11:50-12:05.

Another 15-minute recess is scheduled during the day.
Recesses will be outside as weather permits.
We will be having a scheduled snack time in the afternoon.

Morning Meeting:
This is a very positive and popular way to start our day. We take time to greet each other, share news, read our Morning Message, and participate in a song, game, or activity. It’s also a time to review the calendar and talk about the day’s events. 

Language Arts - (Reading, writing, speaking, listening):
Your child will be participating in whole class, small group, and independent reading
experiences for reading and writing.

According to the  Wilson Reading Program  -  “The purpose of (Fundations) instruction is learning to both read and write for meaning, understanding and joy.  The purpose of Fundations is to provide a truly strong and secure foundation for that reading success, with FUN!” 

Through the Daily 5 and CAFÉ (, children will have the opportunity to improve their skills in Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency and Expanding vocabulary. During our instructional writing time, children will practice various styles:  narratives, informative writing, and opinion pieces. Children will also have time and the choice to explore other forms of writing, like poetry or skits. 

Our program, "Math in Focus", provides an authentic Singapore math curriculum—
with problem solving as the focus of mathematical learning. This program
teaches concepts using a concrete–pictorial–abstract learning progression to anchor
learning in real-world, hands-on experiences, supported by Interactive Whiteboard
activities, as well as in-class and online manipulatives. 

Science/Social Studies:
Hands-on and computer activities, as well as literature, provide varied experiences on the following topics:

* Sun, Moon & Stars, Light and Sound, Living Things
* Geography -  mapping skills, Sense of time = past, present, future, US & MA Holidays, * Community Economics - wants/needs & goods/services

Super Reader - Starting in January (I hope!)
Super Reader is a child-centered activity that helps promote reading, listening, and
comprehension skills. Each day in a 15-minute time period, 4-5 children read aloud  to a
small group of their peers. Super Readers will have practiced reading their selections at home and have prepared 3-5 questions to ask their groups.  Listeners practice their auditory comprehension skills in a fun and interactive way. The students’ roles alternate throughout the week and everyone has the opportunity to participate in this literacy-developing activity.

Homework assignments are designed to keep in line with the homework policy adopted by the Shrewsbury Public Schools - 15 minutes a night, Monday –Thursday. The emphasis is on math facts & skills, reading at an independent level, and spelling.
A packet will go home on Mondays, detailing the homework expectations for
each night of the week. Included is a space for an adult at home to sign off
that all the work has been done to the best of the child's ability. The packet
should be returned on Friday. A "Comments and/or Questions" section is also included for you to share your concerns. Please let me know if your child is having any difficulty. Success stories are welcome, too! 

Snacks are no longer allowed to share but we like to celebrate with the birthday song. 

Student of the Week:
Each child will have a turn to be Student of the Week. Shortly before your child’s turn, a small packet will go home that asks your child to write about some of the important things about him/herself. Your child should cut out the shapes before returning to school. He/she may bring in some favorite photos. Other benefits include being Line Leader for the week, illustrating the class newsletter, and having a special sharing time when he/she may bring in a special object to show to the class. (No pets, unless you share them remotely.)

*Absences MUST be called directly into the office (508-841-8720) prior to the start of the school day. You are welcome to communicate attendance/dismissal information to me as well but please be sure to inform the office first.

*Early Dismissal or Parent Pick-Up notes should be sent directly to me and must state the dismissal time AND name of the person who is picking up your child.
Volunteers: This will be introduced after we've been in school for a few weeks.
Your time and effort are greatly appreciated and contribute to the learning that takes place in our classroom. You must have a valid CORI check on file with the office. Volunteer sign-ups will be posted through the online site, Sign Up Genius – more info to come. If you are unable to assist us during the school day but would like to help out in some way, please let me know.

There are many ways for you to know what’s going in our class . . .

Weekly News - The children contribute all the information (and often the artwork!) in our weekly newsletter, sent home on Friday.

Seesaw Posting - This is an area I am personally working on improving - capturing the moments in our class for you to enjoy at home. 

Monthly News - Each month, I upload a newsletter to our website that includes general information and an overview of the curriculum your child is learning.
Class Web Site - You are here!
To learn about our school, go here:

Feel free to contact me with your questions and concerns by . . .
> e-mail -
> sending a note.        

Thank you in advance for your support.
I look forward to working with you this year!

Betsy Caforio  : )

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